We Started Out In A Closet
In the buzz of the dot com boom, the Dallas Infomart became a hub and central sharing location for start-ups. Because Insite was started on a shoestring budget, our first office was a storage and server space of a friend’s company. Two cardboard boxes with a piece of plywood became founder Adrienne Palmer’s desk. Insite’s first signage was a piece of paper taped to the storage room door (always left open for ventilation!)
One of Adrienne’s former employees from her last company took a chance and joined the party. The Internet access technology at the time (T1 lines) would have cost far more than Insite could afford so a network cable was discretely strung through the drop-down ceiling tiles to get a connection.
Fortunately the team’s passion to help companies steward this confusing time paid off and the business grew rapidly…adding another employee and then another. By the end of 1998, Insite literally “cut the cord” and got its own Internet connection, becoming self-sufficient.